



horse butcher <drums>

s.nails <drums>

recvrse <drums, vocals>

ten things i hate about you <drums, vocals>

pleas <guitar, bass, drums, vocals>


slow end <drums, vocals>

S00N <drums>

itallreturnstonothing <drums, vocals>

LICE <drums>

I am sorry (for the decline of civilisation) <drums>

FELL <guitar, vocals, drums>

connoisseur <drums>

torero <drums>


ftdoc is my "label".

release history

catalogartistrelease nameformat
DOC-001i am sorry (for the decline of civilisation)self titled (ep) ‡cassette
DOC-002sharon is karenused to (ep) ‡cassette
DOC-003sharon is karenlead fumes/sink (single) ‡cassette
DOC-005LICEself titled (ep) ‡cassette
DOC-006itallreturnstonothingself-titled ep (non-catalog) ‡cassette
DOC-009S00Ndemo/ep ‡cassette
DOC-010S00Nwhat the fuck did we do to the earth ‡cassette
DOC-011ten things i hate about youthree things i hate about you (ep)digital
DOC-012ten things i hate about youthe second release (ep) *cassette (rerelease)
DOC-013ten things i hate about youself titled LP ‡LP, cassette
DOC-014LICEII (ep)digital
DOC-015pleasfriday night (single)digital
DOC-016pleascar guy (demo)digital
DOC-017pleaswaffles (demo)digital
DOC-020slow endmmxxii demo ‡cassette
DOC-021slow endself titled ep ‡cassette
DOC-022slow endthe means/dead handdigital
DOC-023pleashalfway horse (single)digital
DOC-024recvrsemmxxiv demodigital

* included on the soon/tenthings split tape released by Kanak Attack Records (kar-003)

‡ denotes physical release
